Friday, March 30, 2007

Another Piece Falls Into Place

As you may know, we've been working out of Orlando for the last year. While it's been an incredibly stimulating and relationally rich time, it was always a temporary arrangement... we have been waiting for a variety of pieces to fall into place. And now one of the big ones has.
The organization we form part of, OC International, has just assigned us to the IMT (for more information on what this means for us, click here)

For the next few months this new assignment won’t greatly effect our ministry projects. We’ll continue to coordinate the Spanish youth workers website – which is growing daily (we provide well over 20,000 pages of materials and published 64 new resources in the last two months) – we continue to be in touch with and support youth leaders around Latin America nearly every day and we’re preparing for our contribution to the upcoming youth workers conventions in Chile, Guatemala and Argentina. But the IMT provides us the freedom to focus more on opportunities and less on geography. As to where we will be living…that will be revealed in a future communique.

1 comment:

Félix Ortiz said...

Me alegro mucho de esta decisión de OCI y las buenas implicaciones que tiene para vosotros