Thursday, April 19, 2007

Update on Grandmother

April Week 1
Originally uploaded by mexikids.
Thank you for asking about and praying for my Grandmother (original story here). Two months after her hip surgery, her health continues to improve, her spirits are good and she seems at peace with her new life in assisted care.

Before we moved back to Orlando, I was delighted when I found out that the apartment where we would be living here was only two blocks away from my Grandmother’s. I envisioned Tim and me dropping by frequently like we did in the early 90’s before moving to Mexico. But those visions never materialized. When Grandfather died a few years ago, Grandmother stopped opening the door for unexpected visitors. So we’ve needed to schedule our visits. And since we were out of the country 40% of last year that happened less than I would have liked.

In the past few weeks, however, we’ve been extremely grateful that we live nearby. Just after she moved from the hospital to the nursing home we could stop by her place and pick up pictures or whatever she needed to make her new residence homier. We spent almost a week going back and forth to her place constantly as we worked alongside other family members to empty, clean and prepare the house for sale.

This is another reminder that, although life doesn’t usually work out the way I envision it, it does work out well in the big picture, as Ruth Myers says in 31 Days of Praise:

I praise You for Your sovereignty over the broad events of my life and over the details. With You, nothing is accidental, nothing is incidental, and no experience is wasted.

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