Sunday, November 23, 2008

Now THAT's Different

"What is Buenos Aires like?"

That was the question, but I didn't have a good answer. So now I'm trying to see life here through that lens and it's fun. Here are a few of the different things I've noticed (in no particular order):
  • Jacaranda trees (in photo with purple flowers) are all over the city
  • sidewalks are dog poop and loose sidewalk tile mine fields (it's dangerous to look up)
  • women wear more skirts and dresses (but only a bit more)
  • more beards and long hair on men and lots of loafer shoes
  • only kids and tourists wear baseball caps
  • there is nearly always a breeze; at times it carries the smell of flowers
  • orange and tangerine trees line the streets in parts of the city
  • tons of sidewalk cafés with people reading or chatting (like Paris in the movies)
  • delivery guys are sometimes on rollerblades (usually on scooters or bikes)
  • something is often dripping on you...certain trees "cry" a light rain (video), A/C units drip onto the sidewalks, pigeons drop
  • men, women and children who recycle trash as a job pull large carts thru the streets
  • it's common to see dog-walkers with 10+ dogs walking down the street (see slideshow)
If you'd like to see a short slideshow (14 photos and a 24 second video) that show some of the things mentioned above... just click here or the image above.

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