Wednesday, May 13, 2009


meetings and more meetings... fortunately
we enjoy the team were working with

In the first 3 weeks since we opened registration, 352 youth leaders have already applied to attend the youth workers institute, and we receive more each day. Classes begin in August.

After more than 2 years of working with the team that will be opening campuses in Argentina and Guatemala, it feels good to receive such a enthusiastic response from Latin American youth leaders. Classes don't begin until August and every day we receive new applications. Each campus only has space for 50 to 80 students, so as part of the selection process every potential student must be interviewed personally.

Annette and I have 100 people to interview over the next 30 days... and if the 6 people we interviewed on Thursday are representative, it will be tough to select only 1 out of every 2.5 of them.

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