Thursday, November 25, 2004

Questions and Answers

I just got done chatting online with Jim Young, the director of member care at our organization. He had some questions that I thought might be of interest to you too. The following is the transcript from our chat:
JimYoung: How is it going for you?
TimGulick: We're doing well. Last night we slept in our house alone for the first time in month. We've had constant houseguests and while usually enjoyable, it's also nice to be able to run around the house in my underwear singing at the top of my lungs without worrying about the guests (joke)
JimYoung: ha ha, OK, just as long as you aren't singing off key :-) I can imagine how free it feels to be alone again.
Do you have any special prayer request?
TimGulick: oh wow, thanks! We'd love prayer for finding schools willing to acredit the education by extension courses we have been developing over the last 2+ years (these are the 20 interactive, animated classes which can be taken online or via CD, which include a 500 page textbook and guidance from a tutor)
JimYoung: Did Annette get that textbook done?
TimGulick: she is still working on that.. the goal is to have it done by June 2005
JimYoung: OK. I knew it was a huge project and we have been praying for her as she was working on it, but had not heard much about it recently.
TimGulick: Annette is working next to me and adds, "One of the three authors who need to turn in additional text for the book, turned in their content yesterday. It's excellent! So now the last two people, just have to turn their content in... one being myself, and the other being our Argentine colleague."
By the way, thank you very much for the prayer.
JimYoung: Are you guys doing anything special for Thanksgiving?
TimGulick: nothing special for Thanksgiving unfortunately
JimYoung: At least take you wife out for a chicken dinner! :-)
TimGulick: We'll be travelling to another state to pick up a half ton of youth ministry manuals... so, if we're lucky we'll hit a chicken on the way and can stop, cook it, and eat it in honor of our forefathers' celebratory dinner with the Indians :-)
JimYoung: Ok, should I pray a chicken tries to cross the road in front of you?
TimGulick: why would a chicken cross the road? (i'm setting you up here... hint hint)
JimYoung: I think it has something to do with the feathers on their heads that probably grow inwards or something. Either that or he just wanted to get to the other side.
TimGulick: okay... we've hit rock bottom :-) have a great day... adios
JimYoung: Yes, let's put this chat out of it's misery (smile) Bye.

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