Monday, July 28, 2008

How'd it go in Bolivia?

As you can tell from the photo, we enjoyed getting to be
part of the national Bolivian youth leaders convention.

There were youth workers from every part of the country...
some travelled more than 20 hours by bus to be there.
[We didn't take this photo, it just seemed like
we needed a really Bolivian looking shot :-)]

River Claure (far left) is one of the founders of the
Bolivian Youth Leaders Network, the director of
the convention and a wonderful friend.

Thank you for praying for us. The feedback from our workshops
was very positive, Annette and I felt better about
how we worked together than possibly any
other time and we were invited back.


Anonymous said...

please tell me tim is not going grey

TimG said...

hey! that's not grey, that's.... em...that's scalp showing thru :-)