Thursday, January 5, 2012

Impact: the numbers for 2011

Whenever we’re tempted to shy away from numbers in our ministry reports we remember what Tim’s father says: Each one of those numbers is a person. So with the help of our brother-in-law Eric Linares, we prepared the infographic above to help you visualize the reach of the resources and training that *we personally provided last year.
This graphic doesn’t include everything we’ve been involved with. For example, we didn’t put in it how many people used things we have written (textbook, journal articles, ebook, blog posts) because we do not have accurate numbers for that audience. It also does not include projects that your donations have allowed us to support; for example:
  • Scholarships for students at EJ Institute in Buenos Aires
  • Scholarships for 17 individuals at a Life-on-Life training in Spain 
  • Creation of courses for the online version the EJ Youth Ministry Institute
  • Translation of Coaching training materials into Spanish
  • Partial salary for an director of another online youth ministry school
  • Creation of 23 videos for youth leaders
These accomplishments are made possible by colleagues, donors, friends and family who also invest time, talents, prayer and/or money in youth and youth leaders.
*Disclaimer: To God alone goes the credit and honor for any actual impact


Guillermo Bernáldez F said...

Dos palabras: in creíble :o).

Felicidades y que Dios los siga usando

TimG said...

Gracias & thank you, Memo