Thursday, July 28, 2005

Stories from Guatemala

Annette and I just got back from Guatemala. We were doing two workshops - Training that Transforms and Being a Couple in Youth Ministry - at a youth workers convention. It was fantastic...1200 youth leaders...a huge number in this type of work, and even more impressive when you consider it drew leaders almost exclusively from Central America and the Spanish-speaking parts of the Carribean. For us the best part was getting to hang out, talk shop, and dream with our friends who were also at the event. These are people who we collaborate with in our common goal of providing training and resources for youth leaders in Latin America. (For more on this trip, click here)

One couple who we spent quite a bit of time with is Kyle and Nell Stiff, colleagues of ours who live in Guatemala City (that's Nell with Annette in the photo above). Nell wrote a story about trying to live out her faith in their adopted culture. It's great. It will give you something to think about and - unless I'm mistaken - I think you'll be nodding your head in agreement by the end.
(Click here to download her letter... and click here to read her new blog)

1 comment:

timsamoff said...

Sounds awesome!